
Hundo is an ed-tech platform for young people with a global mission to upskill learners and reduce the youth unemployment gap.

Over the past few years, Hundo has been developing software for learners, teachers, and parents to assist young people transitioning to the workplace. Features developed over the last few years include CV writing assistance, tailored careers advice, targeted lessons & courses, shareable user profiles, and searchable directories of employers & job role types.

Compilation of mock ups for various pages and marketing campaigns.


I have been working at the intersection between the marketing and product development departments. I am the designer and developer of the front-facing marketing website and marketing tech stack. This includes being the technical producer for regular monthly virtual events. Additionally, I have been the assistant designer for the web app, recently transitioning to lead designer.

Live interview highlight video and attached article.
Monthly live events page, includes a dynamic audience chatbox.


Hundo has vastly evolved its product solutions, iterating designs and features in line with past-paced tech-industry innovations. One focus that has received ongoing improvement is the Career CoPilot for students. We found that our data labelling and sentiment categorisation was a common technical bottleneck. I helped improve this by creating a system that analysed over 350 videos, articles, and interviews, automatically bucketing content into predefined group types. This allows Career CoPilot to draw from a rich context, suggest similar posts, as well as providing multipoint filtering to the user for fresh content discovery.

Animated Career CoPilot landing page hero section.
Career CoPilot for students - an interactive careers advisor with dynamically suggested content.


On the Hundo website I regularly carry out A/B tests. We have found that using the primary call to action “Get Started” resulted in a 18% increased clickthrough rate. In line with my responsibilities as technical events producer, I have overseen the creation of regular virtual interview videos. These have a combined 108k impressions over the last year, a 135% increase compared to the year prior.

Final design for the Expert Voices page. Displays mentors, content filters, and interactive lessons.

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